In 2024, our company exported products developed under our brand and Breeding Program to the domestic market as well as commercially to 25 different countries, and additionally sent trial products to 8 more countries.
In addition to our intensive R&D efforts, we are enhancing our knowledge base by collaborating on joint projects, and sharing information with domestic, and international universities that are experts in their fields. We conduct breeding studies not only for corn seeds but also for cotton, and super sweet corn. Furthermore, we are enriching our product portfolio through extensive product development projects related to forage crops such as Italian ryegrass, sorghum x sudangrass, and alfalfa, in order to provide our valued producers with more efficient and high-quality products.
To achieve our market share goals in the domestic and international seed sectors, we use varieties obtained from our own breeding efforts, and test at least 6,000 new hybrid corn varieties each year under challenging conditions both domestically, and internationally. We continue to register new varieties with the desire to develop high-yield potential, resilient, and high-quality products. Our efforts aim to contribute significantly to our valuable producers, who are the reason for our existence, and to increase their profits.